Graduated in Educational Sciences at the University of Leuven, Belgium (1969).
Advisor for educational policy at the Policy Development Departure in the
umbrella organisation of the Christian Labour Movement in Belgium
(1969-1973). Researcher in the university policy department of the University
of Leuven (1973-1977). Researcher at the R&D department for university
education at the University of Leuven (1977-1986). Special advisor for university
and research policy in the Cabinet of the Minister of Education (1986-1988).
Director of the distance education network in Flanders (1988-1996).
Secretary General of the European Association of Distance Teaching
Universities (EADTU) and Chief Executive Officer of the European Open
University Network (EOUN) (1996- ). Responsible for International Relations
Office of the University of Leuven (1996-).

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Last updated August 17, 1997