February 12th 1998 a new president was elected for the Estonian Librarians Association.

Krista Talvi is the main specialist in Continuing Professional Development in the National Library of Estonia.

She was born in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia and has lived there all her life. In 1978 she graduated the Tallinn Teacher Training Institute as a librarian. Since she has been working in the National Library of Estonia. In the beginning she gave instructions to public libraries in organizing their work and she had possibilities to get personally touched with the libraries all over Estonia. From 1980 she has been dealing with continuing education of librarians, organizing 12-14 courses or seminars a year for about 500-600 librarians, mainly for public librarians on various themes on professional, cultural problems and spheres of interest.

From 1988 she is a member of the Estonian Librarians Association and has taken part in the work of the Education Commitee. Her tasks are theoretical educational questions, study of educational needs and arrangement of seminars, courses and workshops. The coordination of this work all over Estonia is a responsibility of the Council of Librarians' Training at the Estonian Ministry of Culture. From 1993 she is the secretary of this council.

In order to evaluate the library profession and to rise its prestige, the system of professional exams has been worked out. She has taken part in it and is a member of the Commitee of professional Examinations.

She has taken part in several studies:

She has compiled several publications for public libraries on work organizing, delivered lectures in national and international conferences and has written articles for professional journals. She is interested in an international cooperation. In 1996-1997 she participated in the EU Phare project "Public Libraries Development Project (PLDP)".


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Last updated July 31, 1998