Dear  readers, our sincere  apologies for distributing Infofoorum too infrequently. We feel sorry that too long time has passed since the last issue of Infofoorum was distributed. The forth issue of Infofoorum is ready now and available to the information specialists and people interested in the information world.

The forth issue maintains the same structure as the  previous ones, the material is presented under the sections "Library Science", "Information Science", "Book Studies".

In the section of library science Sirje Nilbe, head of the department of the National Library of Estonia, presents the second article of the series on the possibilities and necessity of electronic library catalogues. Silvi Roomets, head of the Centre for Information Work of Tallinn University of Educational Sciences and Krista Talvi, President of Estonian Librarians' Association describe recent developments in librarians continuing education in Estonia. 

In the section of information science Keiu Saarniit from The Medical Information Centre of Tartu University Clinicum reports about new possibilities in the field of medical information in Tartu University Clinicum.

Mare Lott, professor of the chair of book studies of the Tallinn University of Educational Sciences and the associate professor of the same chair Aile Möldre continue with the series of articles on the changes in the Estonian publishing system and book distribution during the twentieth century. Ausra Navickiene, doctor of social sciences of the department of book research of the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, gives an overview about book trade in Lithuania in the first half of the 19th century.

The editorial board of the journal is especially pleased about the interview given to "Infofoorum" by Leo Voogt, Secretary General of  the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). He characterizes the changes in the library world which have taken place during the last years, the activities of  IFLA, insists the role of libraries and librarians in the future and gives an evaluation to the 63rd IFLA General Conference "Libraries and Information for Human Development" in Copenhagen.

The section "Facts, events, comments" includes information on the past and future events in library and information world.

All the comments, propositions and opinions are welcome to

An electronic journal "Infofoorum"
Department of Information Studies
Tallinn University of Educational Sciences
Narva Road 25
EE0001 Tallinn
E-mail: i-foorum@tpu.ee


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Last updated  July 31, 1998