As an exchange student, you will find a warm welcome at Tallinn University. By pursuing your exchange studies at Tallinn University you will have the opportunity of becoming part of a contemporary and dynamic university that has a reputation of being the most student-friendly university in Estonia. The students here appreciate not only the professional and academic environment but also the welcoming, open and friendly atmosphere of the university.

With about 7,000 students, of which more than 10% are international students, Tallinn University offers the choice of many courses in English and the academic freedom to take courses from several different study fields during exchange studies.

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia and is a vibrant city with cultural events and weekly activities that are especially organised for international students.

Let your exchange studies be an experience – let it begin with us!

Exchange is possible with universities with whom Tallinn University has signed an Erasmus+ agreement or a bilateral agreement for studies. Tallinn Univesity has more than 400 Erasmus+ agreements worldwide and more than 40 bilateral agreements.

Long-term exchanges allow students to immerse themselves in academic, cultural and social environments by taking courses, working on projects (such as final thesis) or conducting research.

Long Term Mobility (2 - 12 months)

Short-term exchange studies allow students to participate in short courses, study visits and training programmes. Participants gain international experience, imporve their skills and buld networks but the duration is much shorter.

Short Term Mobility (5 - 30 days)

Tallinn University can serve as the host organisation for traineeship. Applications can be submitted all year round but traineeship is normally not possible in the summer.
