Long-term mobility for studies can last from 2 to 12 months. Depending on the nature of the agreement, students normally apply for one or two semesters. To participate in a long-term mobility, students must be enrolled in a higher education institution that has an agreement with Tallinn University.



1. Contact your own department or International Relations Office at your home university and find out
whether your department or university has an exchange agreement with Tallinn University.

2. The prerequisite for applying is an exchange nomination sent by your home university, including the following information:

- student's name
- date of birth
- email address
- semester of exchange
- field and level of studies

The nomination from your home university must be sent by e-mail to exchange@tlu.ee by 15 May if you are coming for Autumn Semester or full academic year, and by 15 October if you are coming for Spring Semester.

3. We will contact you by email and provide you with application instructions and credentials for the online application platform SoleMove. Fill in the online application form, create your study plan and attach the following required documents to your application:

  • Transcript of Records

  • Copy of the identification document (passport, ID)

  • Certificate of language proficiency

    Please note that the documents need to be in English! Make sure that the email address you provide is correct and in use, as we will communicate much important information to you via email. The online application platform is opened to students applying for the Autumn Semester and full year on April 1 and to students applying for the Spring semester on October 1.

4. The deadlines for submitting your online application are as follows:

  • June 1 for the Autumn Semester and the entire Academic Year

  • November 1 for the Spring Semester

5. We will check your documents and give feedback if any changes are needed. After your documents have been checked and your study plan has been approved in your academic unit, you will receive the acceptance letter and instructions about creating the Learning Agreement. It can take up to 30 days after the application deadline before you receive the acceptance letter, so please be patient with us! Please do not send your learning agreement from your home university before you have received the acceptance letter from us.

6. A housing offer will be sent to you by e-mail if you have applied for a dormitory place in the online system and after you have officially been accepted for exchange studies at Tallinn University. Places in the dormitories are limited, so unfortunately, we cannot offer a place to all the applicants. Please read more about housing possibilities.

7. If you feel that you need a peer supporter (a student buddy) to guide you and help you in the process of settling in, you need to apply for one before August 5 if you are coming for the Autumn Semester or the entire academic year, and before January 5 if you are coming for the Spring Semester. Please find out more information about student buddies and application.

Please note: before sending in your application, check carefully which courses and studies are offered to Exchange Students.

For additional information please check the Academic CalendarOrientation for International Students, Practical Information and FAQ.

Advice may be obtained from the Departmental Erasmus Coordinators and from the Incoming Mobility Senior Specialist (exchange@tlu.ee).


Application documents

Study Plan

Study plan is part of the application form where you list the courses which you are planning to take at Tallinn University. The course list with relevant information can be found at www.tlu.ee/courses. Make sure to receive your home university's confirmation to your chosen courses before submitting your online application. The study plan will also be reviewed by Tallinn Univesity academic units. Based on the information which you have inserted in your application and study plan, your Learning Agreement can be created and signed later. Learning Agreement is an official document stating the courses which you will be taking at Tallinn University. Learning Agreement is created at your home university and it is signed by the student, the coordinator at of the home university and by the departmental coordinator  at Tallinn University.

The Learning Agreement can only be created after the study plan has been confirmed and you have been officially accepted.

Transcript of Records

Transcript of records is a list of all the courses you have completed at your home university and it states the grades
you have received for the courses. The transcript is an offical printout that you can obtain from your university.

The transcript of records needs to be in English. If your home university does not issue the official document in English,
please provide a translation to English (signed and stamped by your home univesity).

Certificate of Language Proficiency

Students selected to study at Tallinn University have to be able to follow university lectures in English, Russian or Estonian, participate in seminar discussions and understand written material in their field. In addition, most courses require writing essays and research papers in English, Russian or Estonian. Since the language of administration for exchange students is English, all students are required to prove that they have sufficient skills in English. If students choose courses where the language of instruction is another language, we ask for additional proof of the relevant language. If the student is a native speaker of English, Russian or Estonian or the studies at home university have been fully conducted in the language, we do not ask for an additional document to prove the skills for the language in question.

Language requirements

  • Bachelor and Master level students - language skills have to correspond to level B2 (minimum).
  • PhD level students - language skills have to correspond to level C1 (minimum).

How to prove your language proficiency

  • Language skills in English or Russian or Estonian are listed on the Transcript of Credits (the Transcript states that a B2 or C1 level course has been passed); or
  • Submit  Tallinn University Language Certificate  (signed and stamped by your home university); or
  • Language Certificate from your home university indicating the level of language (in English); or
  • Submit the copy of the  English language test score (TOEFL, IELTS, etc).

NB! The document needs to be in English!

ID document

In the application system you need to upload an ID document (copy of your passport or ID card).

Course Catalogue for Exchange Students


Courses meant for international exchange students are listed by academic units. Exchange students can choose courses from different academic units - please choose the School to see the course offers. However, some academic units have set limitations to attending the courses - please read the information provided in the section for comments. By clicking on the title of the course you will be taken to the course outline, which provides basic information about the course. As an exchange student, you can only choose from among the courses that are offered in these lists.

The information about the course also includes the assessment form. Some courses end with an examination where the student will get a grade, some courses end with an assessment where the student will get a P (pass) or MA (fail). It is not possible to get a grade for a result marked as P on the transcript of records!

Please note that there can be changes in the course offers before the beginning of the semester. Registration to the courses can be done after you have arrived at Tallinn University.

The academic units of Tallinn University offer the following courses for exchange students:

Baltic Film, Media and Arts School

School of Digital Technologies 

School of Educational Sciences

School of Governance, Law and Society

School of Humanities

School of Natural Sciences and Health

Courses are free of charge for international exchange students studying at Tallinn University.

Exchange students can also join LIFE (ELU) - a new type of subject at Tallinn University where students from different study fields carry out a collaborative project on a topic of their interest. The team consists of 6-8 students from at least three different study fields. It is a subject which is not organised in the form of a lecture and where the teacher does not dictate the students what to do and how to do it. The initiative and management of the activities lies with the students. Read more

Before Arrival


Our buddy student Djahane has put together an overview of the most important links for settling in Tallinn, studies and events. Have a look at it.

Health Insurance

If you are a EU citizen please obtain a European Health Insurance card before your trip to Estonia. Additional information about the card can be found here. We also recommend getting additional health and travel insurance for your stay in Estonia since Tallinn University doesn't offer health insurance.

Visa Information

If you are non-EU student, who does not need a visa to enter Estonia but you are staying in Estonia for more than three months, they you have to apply for the long-term visa - D-visa - In Estonia. Please book an appointment online.


Make sure you have necessary accommodation when entering Estonia for studies. The University can help by indicating the direction as to where to look for a place from.

The University is also mediating the places between dormitories and the students. It should be kept in mind though that applying for a dormitory place does not automatically mean that there is a place available. A lot of our students use private housing  options. If you opt for private housing, please study the contracts and the background of the landlord or agency carefully before sending any deposits, be careful with offers sent to you via social media channels. If necessary, ask for advice from exchange@tlu.ee

Green Traveling and top-up

Tallinn University is an environmentally friendly university, and we try to promote a sustainable mindset and behaviour, not just in words but also in deeds. Tallinn University has joined the Green Academic Footprint initiative of the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) in order to participate in the process of making the principles of sustainable development part of everyday life.

We encourage our students to embrace sustainable practices both on campus and in their daily lives, including opting for eco-friendly transportation options. Students who use low-emissions means of transport for the main part of their travel, such as bus, train or car-pooling, have the right to apply for Erasmus+ green traveling top-up. 

The travel distance represent a single way distance from the place of origin to the venue, whereas the amount covers the contribution to the return trip to and from the venue.

Please read more about in Tallinn University Green Guide.

Student buddies

You can apply for a peer supporter - a student buddy - before you arrive. Student buddies are Tallinn University students who help international students settle in to the academic environment at the university and generally life in Tallinn. Please apply for a student buddy by August 5 for the Autumn Semester and by January 5 for the Spring Semester HERE. Your buddy will contact you by e-mail in mid-August if you are coming for the Autumn Semester and mid-January if you are coming for the Spring Semester.

Once You Have Arrived

  1. Check the timetables.

  2. Take part in the Orientation Week

  3. Obtain the Tallinn University e-mail account in room S-203 (during orientation, the room may change)

  4. Register for courses - please respect the registration deadlines set by the  academic calendar . You can only register for courses after you have opened the university email account.

  5. Sign a tenancy agreement in your dormitory or private apartment.

  6. If you are a non-EU student, who does not need a visa to enter Estonia and you are staying in Estonia for more than three months, then you have to apply for the  long-term visa - D-visa in Estonia. Please book an appointment online. Please note: we strongly advise obtaining the visa before arrival in Estonia even if you can enter Estonia without a visa.

  7. If you are an EU student, please go to the Population Register  to register your place of residence. After you have registered your place of residence, please go to Police and Border Guard Board (P. Pinna 4 or A. H. Tammsaare tee 47) to apply for the Estonian ID card. You can book an appointment online or go there and wait in line. With the ID card you can use the public transportation for free in Tallinn, use it as a library card, and electronically load money onto the card to make copies.

  8. If required, register at your country's embassy.

  9. You can apply for an ISIC card. For additional information, please visit the webpage of the Student Union.

  10. Confirmation about your student status can be received from the Incoming Mobility Senior Specialist. Students are received only if they have booked an appointment (send an email to exchange@tlu.ee or book an appointment directly through Google Calendar.

  11. Consider whether you need to open a bank account in Estonia. Opening the bank account is free of charge for residents of the EU. For non-residents opening the account can cost around 200 euros. You can check out the options of Wise.com and revolut.com.

  12. Obtain a library card (www.tlulib.ee).

  13. Take part in the events organised by the Tallinn University International Club and Erasmus Student Network Tallinn

  14. If you decide to extend your stay at Tallinn University for the second semester, then please fill in the form, have it signed by your home university and your coordinator here and take it to room T-222 or send it by email to exchange@tlu.ee by December 1.

More detailed information about regulations, documents and informartion systems can be found in our Student Gateway.

Before You Leave


Before you leave Tallinn, make sure you take care of the following:

Feedback about your stay in Tallinn
Please give feedback about your study period at Tallinn University and stay in Tallinn. Feedback survey appears in your ÕIS account towards the end of the semester. Receiving your feedback is very important to us, so we kindly ask you to fill in the feedback form before getting your Transcript of Credits. It is mandatory for all exchange students.

Confirmation Letter
Your home university needs a confirmation letter about your study dates at Tallinn University. The date which can be confirmed as the last day of your studies is the day when you actually leave Tallinn (but no later than the last day of the semester). To get the confirmation, please come to room T-222 one to two days before you leave Tallinn University (confirm an appointment beforehand HERE or send an email to exchange@tlu.ee). This document can be made electronically if your university accepts it - just send a copy of the tickets with the date of departure and the certificate to exchange@tlu.ee.  Please ask from your home university if they have their own form that we need to complete - they usually do!

Transcript of Records
Once you have received all your grades in ÕIS, we can prepare the Transcript of Records for you which will show all the courses you passed, the credits and grades. Please write an email to exchange@tlu.ee and the Transcript will be sent to you. Please note that it is not possible to get a grade for a result marked as P (passed) on the transcript of credits!

Learning Agreement – Section to be completed after the mobility
If your home university requires the last part of the Learning Agreement - "Section to be completed after the mobility" - then please fill it in based on your confirmation letter and transcript, and send it to exchange@tlu.ee for signing.

Sign out of Tallinn
If you registered yourself as a citizen of Tallinn, then before your departure you have to let them know you are not living here anymore. For that, please go to your City District Government  (Please check HERE for the offices and opening hours) with your passport or ID card. You can also do it electronically at https://www.rahvastikuregister.ee/ if you have the ID card.

Make sure you return all the books that you have borrowed from the library, so that exchange students who will arrive next semester also have a possibility of using them.

Bank account
If you opened a bank account in Estonia, you might want to consider whether you want to close it or not.

End your rental agreement
Make sure you will not be charged for living at your apartment or dormitory room after you leave Estonia.

Tallinn University souvenirs
Tallinn University souvenirs can be bought from the souvenir shop on the first floor (below Cafe Astrarium).


Incoming long-term exchange students

Ingrid Hinojosa
Incoming Mobility Senior Specialist
Phone: +372 6409 217
Address: Narva Road 25, 10120 Tallinn, room T-222
E-mail: exchange@tlu.ee