Leht koondab RASI töötajate publikatsioone peamiste uurimisvaldkondade lõikes alates 2017. aastast. Iga katusteema all on eespool uusimad tööd.
Tööturg ja töösuhted
- Aavik, K., Ubakivi-Hadachi, P., Raudsepp, M., Roosalu, T. (2023). The gender pay gap—what’s the problem represented to be? Analysing the discourses of Estonian employers, employees and state officials on pay equality. Gender, Work and Organization. DOI: 10.1111/gwao.13061.
- Märtsin, M., Unt, M., & Fattacciu, I. (2023). Experiences of low-quality jobs and in-work poverty early in the career. EUROSHIP Working Paper No 21. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21983411.
- O'Reilly, J., Unt, M., Halvorsen, R., Schoyen, M. A., Verdin, R., Roosalu, T., Ibanez, Z. (2023). Locked In Transition: Youth Labour Markets During COVID-19 in the UK, Norway, Estonia and Spain. In: Stefanie Börner, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (Ed.). European Social Policy and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges to National Welfare and EU Policy. (131−164). Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780197676189.003.0006.
- Täht, K., Unt, M., Biegert, T. (2023). Does a higher minimum salary protect youth from in-work poverty? Cross-national evidence from the EU. In: Christian Karner, Dirk Hofäcker (Ed.). Research Handbook on the Sociology of Globalization. (274−286). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Aavik, K., & Marling, R. (2022). Gendered excellence for business Interests: A critical examination of the construction of centres of excellence in the Estonian research policy discourseIn F. Jenkins, B. Hoenig, S. M. Weber & A. Wolffram (Eds.). Inequalities and the paradigm of excellence in academia. (pp. 129−149). Routledge.
- Kall, K., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., & Ojamäe, L. (2022). Platvormitöö tegijad Tallinnas: Kuidas tagada väärikas töö? Projekti PLUS faktileht.
- Kazjulja, M., Taru, M., & Unt, M. (2022). Noorte palgavaesus Eestis 2007-2020. RASI toimetised nr 16. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Polese, A. (Ed.) (2022). Informality, labour mobility and precariousness supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable. Palgrave.
- Polese, A., Fradejas-García, I., Šimić Banović, R., Škokić, V., Kerikmäe, T., Luis Molina, J., Alpeza, M., Lubbers, M. J., & Camerani, A. (2022). Labour mobility and informality: Romanian migrants in Spain and ethnic entrepreneurs in Croatia. Politics and Governance, 10(2), 279−292.
- Raudsepp, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). Noorte tõrjutusriskide maandamine töökohal: tööandja võimalused teenindussektori näitel. RASI toimetised nr 18. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Samaluk, B., & Kall, K. (2022). Trade union project-based revitalization strategies in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of Slovenia and Estonia. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 1−18.
- Täht, K., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., Aavik, K., Pilvre, B., & Kääramees, M. (2022). Sooline palgalõhe Eestis: kujunemise tagamaad ja vähendamise võimalused. Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Soolise palgalõhe vähendamine (REGE)“ lõpparuanne.
- Täht, K., Unt, M., & Reiska, E. (2022). The effect of childcare facilities on labour market participation among young adults in Estonia: a mixed-methods study. In S. Bertolini & B. Poggio (Eds.). Research handbook on work–life balance. Emerging issues and methodological challenges (pp. 217−236). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Unt, M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). Cross-national differences in in-work poverty among young adults in EU, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 18. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21561609.
- Unt, M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). An assessment of in-work poverty among female and male youth in Europe, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 16. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19803559.
- Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., Gebel, M., Hofäcker, D., & Unt, M. (2021). Conclusions: Integrating perspectives on youth transitions and the risk of social exclusion. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Gebel, M., Unt, M., Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., & Hofäcker, D. (2021). Introduction: youth transitions in times of labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Kall, K. (2021). Innovatsiooniga marginaliseerituse vastu: hargmaise organiseerimismudeli kasutuselevõtt 2008. aasta majanduskriisi järgse Eesti erasektori ametiühingutes. In. E. Stern (Ed.). Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilaste 2019/2020. õppeaasta parimad teadustööd. Artiklite kogumik (pp. 58−62). Tallinna Ülikool.
- Kall, K., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., & Ojamäe, L. (2021). Platformisation of Tallinn’s taxi industry: Results from the PLUS Project. RASI toimetised nr 13. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Kłobuszewska, M., Palczyńska, M., Rokicka, M., Stasiowski, J., Täht K., & Unt, M. (2021). Can labour market policies protect unemployed youth from poverty? A cross-European comparison. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Lauri, T., & Unt, M. (2021). Multiple routes to youth well-being: a qualitative comparative analysis of buffers to the negative consequences of unemployment. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Meo, A., Ricucci, R., Schlee, C., Helemäe, J., & Kazjulja, M. (2021). The role of informal social support for young people in unemployment and job insecurity in Italy, Estonia, and Germany. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.),Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Ojamäe, L., Peik, K., Kall, K., Roosalu, T., & Unt, M. (2021). Hosting in Airbnb: platform work at the intersection of hospitality, accommodation and home-making. PLUS-project results in Tallinn. RASI toimetised nr 14. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., Reiska, E., Stasiowski, J., Bertolini, S., & Torrioni, P. M. (2021). Meanings of work in the narratives of Italian, Estonian, and Polish young people who experience labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Ricucci, R., Ghislieri, C., Krasteva, V., Jeliazkova, M., Taru, M., & Rokicka, M. (2021). How young people experience and perceive labour market policies in four European countries. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Unt, M., Rokicka, M., Täht, K., & Roosalu, T. (2021). "Glass ceiling” and “sticky floor” in Estonia’s public and private sectors. In T. Karabchuk, K. Kumo, K. Gatskova & E. Skoglund (Eds.). Gendering post-soviet space: Demography, labor market and values in empirical research (pp. 192−209). Springer.
- Unt, M., Gebel, M., Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi V., & Hofäcker, D. (Eds) (2021). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Aavik, K., Ubakivi-Hadachi, P., Raudsepp, M., & Roosalu, T. (2020). Soolise palgalõhe vähendamine: mitmetasandiline kvalitatiivuuring. RASI toimetised, nr 11. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Kall, K., Brzozowska, A., Lillie, N., Matuszczyk, K., & Salamońska, J. (2020). Regional case study. From Ukraine to Finland and Estonia via Poland: Migration and posting of third country nationals
- Kall, K., Brzozowska, A., Lillie, N., Matuszczyk, K., & Salamońska, J. (2020). The posting of third-country nationals from Ukraine through Poland to Estonia and Finland. Con3Post policy brief.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., & Oras, K. (2020). Ebakindla tööturuseisundi sotsiaalmajanduslikud mõjud ja strateegiad raskustega toimetulekuks. In A.-A. Allaste & R. Nugin (Eds.). Noorteseire aastaraamat 2019-2020. Noorte elu avamata küljed (pp. 123−139). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Unt, M., & Täht, K. (2020). Does early career unemployment at the peak of a recession leave economic scars? Evidence from Estonia. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 688(1), 246–257.
- Bertolini, S., Moiso, V., & Unt, M. (2019). Precarious and creative. In: E. Colombo, & P. Rebughini (Eds.), Youth and the politics of the present: Coping with complexity and ambivalence (pp. 75-87). Routledge.
- Kall, K., Lillie, N., Sippola, M., & Mankki, L. (2019). Overcoming barriers to transnational organizing through identity work: Finnish–Estonian trade union cooperation. Work, Employment and Society, 33(2), 208−225.
- Róbert, P., Saar, E., & Kazjulja, M. (2019). Individual and institutional influences on EU labour market returns to education: a comparison of the effect of the 2008 economic crisis on eight EU countries. European Societies,
- Täht, K. (Ed.) (2019). Soolise palgalõhe kirjeldamine ja seletamine – tehniline ülevaade. RASI toimetised nr 10. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool.
- Täht, K., Xanthopoulou, D., Figgou, L., Kostouli, M., & Unt, M. (2019). The role of unemployment and job insecurity for the well-being of young Europeans: Social inequality as a macro-level moderator. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1−21.
- Reiska, E. (2018). Noorte sotsiaalne tõrjutus. RASI toimetised, 3.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., & Oras, K. (2018). Tõrjutuse sisu ja mõju noortele. RASI toimetised, 2.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., Oras, K., & Taru, M. (2018). Young adults in insecure labour market positions in Estonia - The results from a qualitative study. EXCEPT Working Papers, 23.
- Rokicka, M., Unt, M., Täht, K., & Nizalova, O. (2018). Youth labour market in Central and Eastern Europe. In M. A. Malo & A. Moreno Mínguez (Ed.). European youth labour markets - problems and policies (pp. 61−78). Springer.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kazjulja, M., & Vallimäe, T. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 2. osa uuringust: Elanikkonna senine kogemus eesti keele omandamisel ja vajadus eesti keele õppe järele. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Saar, E., Martma, L., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Kazjulja, M., & Roosalu, T. (2018). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 5: education and labour market outcomes for graduates from different types of VET system in Europe. Publications Office. CEDEFOP/DIPF. Cedefop research paper; No 69.
- Soomere, T., Niinemets, Ü., Niglas, K., Pilt, E., Roosalu, T., & Randma-Liiv, T. (2018). Jätkusuutlikud teadlaskarjääri kontseptsioonid ja mudelid Eesti kontekstis. Lõpparuanne. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia.
- Unt, M. (2018). Tööturu tõrjutuse pikaaegsed mõjud: elukaarepõhise poliitika vajalikkus. RASI toimetised, 5.
- Unt, M., & Gebel, M. (2018). Synthesis of the main empirical findings of EXCEPT project. EXCEPT Working Papers, 57.
- Unt, M., Gebel, M., & Bertolini, S. (2018). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: Consequences of labour market insecurity. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 10(3), 1−8.
- Unt, M., & Jeliazkova, M. (2018). Database of youth policies and legislation on youth inclusion. EXCEPT Working Papers, 54.
- Vallimäe, T., Roosalu, T., Kallaste, E., & Joorik, A. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 3. osa uuringust: keeleõppe pakkujate analüüs. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Voßemer, J., Gebel, M., Täht, K., Unt, M., Högberg B., & Strandh M. (2018). The effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on well-being and health: The moderating role of labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 138(3), 1229–1257.
- Kłobuszewska, M., Palczyńska, M., Rokicka, M., Stasiowski, M., Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2017). The impact of the institutional setting and policies on the economic situation of youth in insecure labour market positions in EU-28 & Ukraine. EXCEPT Working Papers, 15.
- Kosyakova, Y., Saar, E., & Dämmrich, J. (2017). Institutional change and gender inequalities at labour market entry: A comparison of Estonia, Russia, and East and West Germany. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 9(2), 17−40.
- Saar, E. & Helemäe, J. (2017). Rahvuslik segregatsioon Eesti tööturul. In T. Tammaru, K. Kallas, & R. Eamets (Eds.), Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2016/2017: Eesti rändeajastul (pp. 147−155). Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
- Saar, E., & Räis, M.-L. & (2017). Participation in job-related training in European countries: the impact of skill supply and demand characteristics. Journal of Education and Work, 30(5), 531−551.
- Tosun, J., Unt, M., & Wadensjö, E. (2017). Youth-oriented active labour market policies: Explaining policy effort in the Nordic and the Baltic States. Social Policy & Administration, 51(4), 598−616.
- Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2017). Labour market exclusion and leaving parental home in Estonia. In A. Baranowska-Rataj, S. Bertolini & V. Goglio (Eds.), Country level analyses of mechanisms and interrelationships between labour market insecurity and autonomy (pp. 80−98). EXCEPT Working Papers, 11.
- Unt, M. & Reiska, E. (2017). Country case studies - Estonia. In D. Hofäcker, S. Schadow & J. Kletzing (Eds.), Long-term socio-economic consequences of insecure labour market positions (pp. 103−114). EXCEPT Working Papers, 15.
- Unt, M. & Täht, K. (2017). Does the early career unemployment during economic recession leave scars? Evidence from registry data from Estonia. In D. Hofäcker (Ed.), Medium-term economic consequences of insecure labour market positions (pp. 119−129). EXCEPT Working Papers, 12.
- Blakeborough, J., Roosalu, T. (2023). Telepresence — Social Justice for the Online “Other”? Understanding Inclusive Hybrid Learning Environment in Higher Education. In: Dascalu, Mihai; Mealha, Óscar; Virkus, Sirje (Ed.). Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of the Green and Digital Transition. (103−116). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. (Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology). DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-5540-4_6.
- Nemvalts, P., Roosalu, T., Roosmaa, E-L., Lemendik, H. (2023). Globalisation vs diversity in national languages in HE context: Case of Estonia. In: Domenech, J., Mendez Alvarez-Hevia, D., Llácer-Iglesias, R.M., Brunetto, D. (Ed.). 9th International Conference on
Higher Education Advances (HEAd'23). (1123−1130). 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), Valencia, 19-22 June 2023. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. DOI: 10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16370. - Roosmaa, E.-L., Saar, E., Martma, L. Education mismatch in European countries during the 2008 financial crisis and after that: determinants by occupational groups and the impact of mismatch on salaries. RASI toimetised nr 23.
- Aavik, K., & Marling, R. (2022). Gendered excellence for business Interests: A critical examination of the construction of centres of excellence in the Estonian research policy discourse. In F. Jenkins, B. Hoenig, S. M. Weber & A. Wolffram (Eds.). Inequalities and the paradigm of excellence in academia. (pp. 129−149). Routledge.
- Helemäe, J., & Saar, E. (2022). Multiplicative or compensatory advantage? Multigenerational contribution to grandchildren’s educational success in the Soviet and the post-Soviet contexts. European Societies, 25(2), 208-241.
- Hämmal, J., Reinson, H., Karolin, A., Kruuse, K., Roosalu, T., & Rüütsalu, K. (2022). Nügimismeetodite kasutamine soostereotüübivabade karjäärivalikute ja töötingimuste toetamiseks. Lõpparuanne. Kantar Emor, Sotsiaalministeerium.
- Lauri, T, & Saar, E. (2022). Cumulative advantages and disadvantages in attainment of higher education: set-analytic comparison of asymmetric inequalities in six European countries. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63(1-2), 51−88.
- Lauri, T., & Saar, E. (2022). Intergenerational transmission of education: Set-theoretic exploration of accumulation of social advantages and disadvantages in Six European Countries. COMPASS Working Paper 98, 1−30.
- Parre, K., Pevkur, A., Parder, M.-L., Espenberg, S., Roos, L., Kalev, L., Olm, M., Taru, M., Tuisk, T., & Soomere, T. (2022). Euroopa teadlaste harta ja juhendi põhimõtete järgimine Eesti teadus- ja arendusasutustes. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Tartu Ülikool, Tallinna Ülikool, Eesti teaduste akadeemia.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2022). The paradox of state-funded higher education: Does the winner still take it all? Education Sciences, 11(12), 812.
- Saar, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., & Martma, L. (2022). Report on recent changes in European education systems. RASI toimetised nr 15. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Abdulai, M., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Contemporary mobility decisions of African international graduates in Estonia: Motives and integration perspectives. Human Arenas, 4, 440–457.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). International students mobility and value added through internationalization of higher education in Estonia and Denmark. Language and Intercultural Communication.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). Cultural barriers and enablers of integrating educational migrants from the Global South: The case of graduate students in Europe. International Journal of Educational Development, 86.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2021). Classroom, media and church: Explaining the achievement differences in civic knowledge in bilingual school system of Estonia. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 9(3).
- Põlda, H., Roosalu, T., Karu, K., Teder, L., & Lepik, M. (2021). Üldpädevuste kujundamine ja osaliste agentsus mitteformaalõppes. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education, 1(9), 60−87.
- Saar, E., & Martma, L. (2021). The safety net and the diversion effects of vocational upper-secondary education in European countries. Journal of Education and Work.
- Ubakivi-Hadachi, P., & Nimmerfeldt, G. (2020). What makes a good education? Transitional value patterns of educational preferences in Estonian Middle class families. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
- Aavik, K. (2019). Crafting neoliberal futures in the strategic plans of Estonian universities. Futures, 111, 148−158.
- Aavik, K., & Ümarik, M. (2019). The “exceptional male teacher” and the “vulnerable male student”: constructions of men and masculinities in vocational education and training in Estonia. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 1−21.
Karu, K., Jõgi, L., Rannala, I., Roosalu, T., Teder, L., & Põlda, H. (2019). Mitteformaalõppe tähenduse konstrueerimine poliitikadokumentides. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education, 7(1), 50−75.
- Eisenschmidt, E., Lauri, T., & Sillavee, R. (2019). Educational policy and leadership to improve democratic citizenship education. In W. Veugelers (Ed.), Education for democratic intercultural citizenship (pp. 124−147). Brill | Sense.
- Polese, A. (2019). The SCOPUS diaries and the (il)logics of academic survival. A short guide to design your own strategy and survive bibliometrics, conferences and unreal expectations in academia. Columbia University Press.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2019). Global ideas, national values and local policies: A case of Estonian school choice policy design. In P. Dixon & S. Humble (Ed.), School choice around the world … and the lessons we can learn (pp. 94−116). Institute of Economic Affairs.
- Raudsepp, M., & Zadora, A. (2019). The sensitive scars of the Second World War in teaching European history. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 27(1), 87−110.
- Róbert, P., Saar, E., & Kazjulja, M. (2019). Individual and institutional influences on EU labour market returns to education: a comparison of the effect of the 2008 economic crisis on eight EU countries. European Societies,
- Roosmaa, E.-L., Martma, L., & Saar, E. (2019). Vocational upper-secondary education and participation in non-formal education: a comparison of European countries. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(3), 268-286.
- Saar, E., Roosalu, T., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Martma, L., & Kazjulja, M. (2019). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 7: VET from a lifelong learning perspective: continuing VET concepts, providers and participants in Europe 1995-2015. Publications Office. Cedefop research paper; No 74.
- Ümarik, M., & Aavik, K. (2019). Gender segregation in Estonian vocational education and training through the eyes of stakeholders. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education, 1−18.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kazjulja, M., & Vallimäe, T. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 2. osa uuringust: Elanikkonna senine kogemus eesti keele omandamisel ja vajadus eesti keele õppe järele. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Saar, E., Martma, L., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Kazjulja, M., & Roosalu, T. (2018). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 5: education and labour market outcomes for graduates from different types of VET system in Europe. Publications Office. CEDEFOP/DIPF. Cedefop research paper; No 69.
- Saar, E., & Roosalu, T. (2018). Inverted U-shape of Estonian higher education: Post-socialist liberalism and post-postsocialist consolidation. In J. Huisman, A. Smolentseva, & I. Froumin (Eds.), 25 years of transformations of higher education systems in post-soviet countries: reform and continuity (pp. 149−174). Springer.
- Taru, M. (2018). Youth work in Estonia. In J. Ord (Ed.), The impact of youth work in Europe: A study of five European countries (pp. 63−73). HUMAK.
- Taru, M., & Kötsi, K. (2018). The impact of youth work in Estonia: Friendship, experiences and development. In J. Ord (Ed.), The impact of youth work in Europe: A study of five European countries (pp. 156−174). HUMAK.
- Vallimäe, T., Roosalu, T., Kallaste, E., & Joorik, A. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 3. osa uuringust: keeleõppe pakkujate analüüs. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Kello, K., & Raudsepp, M. (2017). Kas kui hästi tahta, võib iga teema tundlikuks muuta? Eesti õpetajate kogemused tundlike teemadega ajalootunnis. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri, 5(2), 106−133.
- Martma, L. (2017). Mitteformaalse ja informaalse õppe arvestamine. Rahvusvahelised arengud ja Eesti väljakutsed. In Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016 mitte-ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 35−46). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Nugin, R., & Taru, M. (2017). Noorsootöötajate arvamused noorsootööst ja noorsootöötajatest. In Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016. Mitte- ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 107−121). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Põder, K., Lauri, T., & Veski, A. (2017). Does school admission by zoning affect educational inequality? A study of family background effect in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(6), 668−688.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2017). Ühiskonna-alaste teadmiste peamised mõjutegurid: mitmetasandiline vaade. In A. Toots (Ed.), Noorte kodanikukultuur muutuvas maailmas. Eesti tulemused IEA Rahvusvahelises Kodanikuhariduse Uuringus (ICCS 2016) (pp. 91−102). Tallinna Ülikool, Haridus ja Teadusministeerium.
- Põder, K., Lauri, T., & Rahnu, L. (2017). Eesti koolisüsteemi väljakutsed: õpiedukuse erinevus erikeelsetes koolides ja sisserändajate koolivalikud. In T. Tammaru, R. Eamets, K. Kallas (Eds.), Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2016/2017: Eesti rändeajastul (pp. 155−162). Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., & Saar, E. (2017). Adults who do not want to participate in learning: a cross-national European analysis of their perceived barriers. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 36(3), 254−277.
- Saar, E., & Helemäe, J. (2017). The role of economic and cultural resources in the intergenerational transmission of education in Estonia. In J. Erola, & E. Kilpi-Jakonen (Eds.), Social inequality across the generations: The role of compensation and multiplication in resource accumulation (pp. 27−47). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Saar, E., & Räis, M.-L. (2017). Participation in job-related training in European countries: the impact of skill supply and demand characteristics. Journal of Education and Work, 30(5), 531−551.
- Taru, M. (2017). A three-dimensional youth work evaluation model. In N. Connolly, F. Labadie, J. Vanhee, H. Williamson, & H. J. Schild (Eds.), Thinking seriously about youth work - and how to prepare people to do it (pp. 355−362). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Taru, M. (2017). Cross-sectoral youth policy – riding the wave of cross-sectoralism. In M. Nico, & M. Taru (Eds.). Needles in haystacks. Finding a way forward for cross-sectoral youth policy (pp. 33−43). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Taru, M. (2017). Noorsootöös osalemise mõju noorte haridus- ja tööplaanidele ning võimele hinnata oma pädevusi. Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016. Mitte- ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 51−65). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Taru, M. (2017). Lühiülevaade „Erasmus+“ programmi vahehindamise tulemustest Eestis. Programmi roll ja mõju noortevaldkonnas. In H. Voolaid (Ed.), Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2016/2017 õppeaastal (pp. 121-123). Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium.
- Veski, A., Biró, P., Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2017). Efficiency and fair access in kindergarten allocation policy design. Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design, 2(1), 57−104.
- Bouchat, P., Cabecinhas, R., Licata, L., Charton, M., Chryssochoou, X., Delouvée, S.,; Erb, Hans-Peter; Facca, L.,; Flassbeck, C., Haas, V., Kalampalikis, N.,; Franc, R., Mari, S., Pavlovic, T., Petrović, N., Raudsepp, M., Sá, A., Sakki, I., Sekerdej, M., Taranczewski, J., Telle, N-T., Valentim, J. P., Wenzel, A., Wnuk, A., Hilton, D. (2023). Social Representations of European History by the European Youth: A Cross-Country Comparison. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11 (2), 606−622. DOI: 10.5964/jspp.9805.
- Märtsin, M., Unt, M., & Fattacciu, I. (2023). Experiences of low-quality jobs and in-work poverty early in the career. EUROSHIP Working Paper No 21. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21983411.
- O'Reilly, J., Unt, M., Halvorsen, R., Schoyen, M. A., Verdin, R., Roosalu, T., Ibanez, Z. (2023). Locked In Transition: Youth Labour Markets During COVID-19 in the UK, Norway, Estonia and Spain. In: Stefanie Börner, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (Ed.). European Social Policy and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges to National Welfare and EU Policy. (131−164). Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780197676189.003.0006.
- Saar, E., Roosmaa, E-L., Martma, L. (2023). Participation of Vulnerable Young Labour Market Groups in Job-related Training: the Effect of Macro-structural and Institutional Characteristics. In: Holford, J., Boyadjieva, P., Clancy, S., Hefler, G., Studená, I. (Ed.). Lifelong Learning, Young Adults & the Challenges of Disadvantage in Europe. (115−142). London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning ). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-14109-6_5.
- Täht, K., Unt, M., Biegert, T. (2023). Does a higher minimum salary protect youth from in-work poverty? Cross-national evidence from the EU. In: Christian Karner, Dirk Hofäcker (Ed.). Research Handbook on the Sociology of Globalization. (274−286). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Kazjulja, M., Taru, M., & Unt, M. (2022). Noorte palgavaesus Eestis 2007-2020. RASI toimetised nr 16.
- Nugin, R., Unt, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). Kõrvale jäänud noor kui kohaliku tasandi väljakutse: noortega töötava spetsialisti vaade. RASI toimetised nr 19.
- Nugin, R., Unt, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). Noorte tõrjutusriskide lood: persoonad ja vinjetid. RASI toimetised nr 20.
- Ord, J., Carletti, M., Morciano, D., Siurala, L., Dansac, C., Cooper, S., Fyfe, I., Kötsi, K., Sinisalo-Juha, E., Taru, M., & Zentner, M. (2022). European youth work policy and young people’s experience of open access youth work. Journal of Social Policy, 51(2), 303–323.
- Raudsepp, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). Noorte tõrjutusriskide maandamine töökohal: tööandja võimalused teenindussektori näitel. RASI toimetised nr 18.
- Raudsepp, M., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., Rannala, I.-E., Nugin, R., Taru, M., & Kazjulja, M. (2022). Tõrjutusriskide maandamine töö ja õppimisega: teenindussektori algaja töötaja näide. RASI toimetised nr 17.
- Roosalu, T., Nugin, R., Rannala, I.-E., Kazjulja, M., Taru, M., Raudsepp, M., & Unt, M. (2022). TASK-U: Noorte mitmetasandilise sotsiaalse kaasatuse dünaamiline mudel. RASI toimetised nr 21.
- Täht, K., Unt, M., & Reiska, E. (2022). The effect of childcare facilities on labour market participation among young adults in Estonia: a mixed-methods study. In S. Bertolini & B. Poggio (Eds.). Research handbook on work–life balance. Emerging issues and methodological challenges (pp. 217−236). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Unt, M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). Cross-national differences in in-work poverty among young adults in EU, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 18. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21561609.
- Unt M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). An assessment of in-work poverty among female and male youth in Europe, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 16. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19803559.
- Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., Gebel, M., Hofäcker, D., & Unt, M. (2021). Conclusions: Integrating perspectives on youth transitions and the risk of social exclusion. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Gebel, M., Unt, M., Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., & Hofäcker, D. (2021). Introduction: youth transitions in times of labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Kłobuszewska, M., Palczyńska, M., Rokicka, M., Stasiowski, J., Täht K., & Unt, M. (2021). Can labour market policies protect unemployed youth from poverty? A cross-European comparison. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Lauri, T., & Unt, M. (2021). Multiple routes to youth well-being: a qualitative comparative analysis of buffers to the negative consequences of unemployment. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Lauri, T. (2021). Part I: A comparative introduction of situation of youth. In T. Lauri, A. Toots, T. Chevalier & M. Drilling (Eds.). Youth-oriented policies beyond ideal-typical welfare regimes in Europe: Situation and initiatives from the perspective of youth transition regimes. Young-In WP Series (Cost Action Publications).
- Meo, A., Ricucci, R., Schlee, C., Helemäe, J., & Kazjulja, M. (2021). The role of informal social support for young people in unemployment and job insecurity in Italy, Estonia, and Germany. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.),Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., Reiska, E., Stasiowski, J., Bertolini, S., & Torrioni, P. M. (2021). Meanings of work in the narratives of Italian, Estonian, and Polish young people who experience labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Ricucci, R., Ghislieri, C., Krasteva, V., Jeliazkova, M., Taru, M., & Rokicka, M. (2021). How young people experience and perceive labour market policies in four European countries. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Toots, A. & Lauri, T. (2021). Part II: Youth-oriented policies in Estonia (EE In T. Lauri, A. Toots, T. Chevalier & M. Drilling (Eds.). Youth-oriented policies beyond ideal-typical welfare regimes in Europe: Situation and initiatives from the perspective of youth transition regimes. Young-In WP Series (Cost Action Publications).
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- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.L., & Oras, K. (2020). Ebakindla tööturuseisundi sotsiaalmajanduslikud mõjud ja strateegiad raskustega toimetulekuks. In A.-A. Allaste & R. Nugin (Eds.). Noorteseire aastaraamat 2019-2020. Noorte elu avamata küljed (pp. 123−139). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Taru, M., & Sglavo, S. (2020). Europe in the interwar years: Youth organisations of authoritarian regimes. In H. Williamson & T. Basarb (Eds.), The history of youth work in Europe: Pan-European and transnational youth organisations The overall lessons learned from the history project (pp. 139−151). Council of Europe and European Commission.
- Unt, M., & Täht, K. (2020). Does early career unemployment at the peak of a recession leave economic scars? Evidence from Estonia. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 688(1), 246–257.
- Bertolini, S., Moiso, V., & Unt, M. (2019). Precarious and creative. In: E. Colombo, & P. Rebughini (Eds.), Youth and the politics of the present: Coping with complexity and ambivalence (pp. 75-87). Routledge.
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- Täht, K., Xanthopoulou, D., Figgou, L., Kostouli, M., & Unt, M. (2019). The role of unemployment and job insecurity for the well-being of young Europeans: Social inequality as a macro-level moderator. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1−21.
- Gebel, M., Hofäcker, D., Jeliazkova, M., Schadow, S., Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2018). Proposal for future research based on EXCEPT project. EXCEPT Working Papers, 58.
- Mihálik, J., Garaj, M., Sakellariou, A., Koronaiou, A., Alexias, G., Nico, M., Almeida Alves, N., Unt, M., & Taru, M. (2018). Similarity and difference in conceptions of well-being among children and young people in four contrasting European countries. In G. Pollock, J. Ozan, H. Goswami, G. Rees, & A. Stasulane (Eds.). Measuring youth well-being. How a Pan-European longitudinal survey can improve policy (pp. 55−70). Springer.
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- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., & Oras, K. (2018). Tõrjutuse sisu ja mõju noortele. RASI toimetised, 2.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., Oras, K., & Taru, M. (2018). Young adults in insecure labour market positions in Estonia - The results from a qualitative study. EXCEPT Working Papers, 23.
- Rokicka, M., Unt, M., Täht, K., & Nizalova, O. (2018). Youth labour market in Central and Eastern Europe. In M. A. Malo & A. Moreno Mínguez (Ed.). European youth labour markets - problems and policies (pp. 61−78). Springer.
- Taru, M. (2018). Youth work in Estonia. In J. Ord (Ed.), The impact of youth work in Europe: A study of five European countries (pp. 63−73). HUMAK.
- Taru, M., & Kötsi, K. (2018). The impact of youth work in Estonia: Friendship, experiences and development. In J. Ord (Ed.), The impact of youth work in Europe: A study of five European countries (pp. 156−174). HUMAK.
- Unt, M. (2018). Tööturu tõrjutuse pikaaegsed mõjud: elukaarepõhise poliitika vajalikkus. RASI toimetised, 5.
- Unt, M., & Gebel, M. (2018). Synthesis of the main empirical findings of EXCEPT project. EXCEPT Working Papers, 57.
- Unt, M., Gebel, M., & Bertolini, S. (2018). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: Consequences of labour market insecurity. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 10(3), 1−8.
- Unt, M., & Jeliazkova, M. (2018). Database of youth policies and legislation on youth inclusion. EXCEPT Working Papers, 54.
- Voßemer, J., Gebel, M., Täht, K., Unt, M., Högberg B., & Strandh M. (2018). The effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on well-being and health: The moderating role of labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 138(3), 1229–1257.
- Kłobuszewska, M., Palczyńska, M., Rokicka, M., Stasiowski, M., Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2017). The impact of the institutional setting and policies on the economic situation of youth in insecure labour market positions in EU-28 & Ukraine. EXCEPT Working Papers, 15.
- Kosyakova, Y., Saar, E., & Dämmrich, J. (2017). Institutional change and gender inequalities at labour market entry: A comparison of Estonia, Russia, and East and West Germany. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 9(2), 17−40.
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- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2017). Ühiskonna-alaste teadmiste peamised mõjutegurid: mitmetasandiline vaade. In A. Toots (Ed.), Noorte kodanikukultuur muutuvas maailmas. Eesti tulemused IEA Rahvusvahelises Kodanikuhariduse Uuringus (ICCS 2016) (pp. 91−102). Tallinna Ülikool, Haridus ja Teadusministeerium.
- Taru, M. (2017). A three-dimensional youth work evaluation model. In N. Connolly, F. Labadie, J. Vanhee, H. Williamson, & H. J. Schild (Eds.), Thinking seriously about youth work - and how to prepare people to do it (pp. 355−362). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Taru, M. (2017). Cross-sectoral youth policy – riding the wave of cross-sectoralism. In M. Nico, & M. Taru (Eds.). Needles in haystacks. Finding a way forward for cross-sectoral youth policy (pp. 33−43). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Taru, M. (2017). Noorsootöös osalemise mõju noorte haridus- ja tööplaanidele ning võimele hinnata oma pädevusi. Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016. Mitte- ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 51−65). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Taru, M. (2017). Lühiülevaade „Erasmus+“ programmi vahehindamise tulemustest Eestis. Programmi roll ja mõju noortevaldkonnas. In H. Voolaid (Ed.), Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2016/2017 õppeaastal (pp. 121-123). Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium.
- Tosun, J., Unt, M., & Wadensjö, E. (2017). Youth-oriented active labour market policies: Explaining policy effort in the Nordic and the Baltic States. Social Policy & Administration, 51(4), 598−616.
- Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2017). Labour market exclusion and leaving parental home in Estonia. In A. Baranowska-Rataj, S. Bertolini & V. Goglio (Eds.), Country level analyses of mechanisms and interrelationships between labour market insecurity and autonomy (pp. 80−98). EXCEPT Working Papers, 11.
- Unt, M. & Reiska, E. (2017). Country case studies - Estonia. In D. Hofäcker, S. Schadow & J. Kletzing (Eds.), Long-term socio-economic consequences of insecure labour market positions (pp. 103−114). EXCEPT Working Papers, 15.
- Unt, M. & Täht, K. (2017). Does the early career unemployment during economic recession leave scars? Evidence from registry data from Estonia. In D. Hofäcker (Ed.), Medium-term economic consequences of insecure labour market positions (pp. 119−129). EXCEPT Working Papers, 12.
Elukestev õpe
- Brandi, U., De Norre, J., Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Khadatovich, A. (2023). Working and Learning in the Retail Sector – a cross-country comparative view. In: Holford, John; Boyadjieva, Pepka; Clancy, Sharon; Hefler, Günter; Studená, Ivana (Ed.). Lifelong Learning, Young Adults and the Challenges of Disadvantage in Europe. (273−297). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.. (Palgrave Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-14109-6_11.
- Maiztegui Oñate, C., Roosalu, T., Moro Inchaurtieta, A., Taru, M. (2023). Vulnerability in European Lifelong Learning Policies 1992–2018: Seeing Young People as a Problem to Be Fixed? In: Holford, John; Boyadjieva, Pepka; Clancy, Sharon; Hefler, Günter; Studená, Ivana RASI 2023. AASTA ARUANNE 17 (Ed.). Lifelong Learning, Young Adults and the Challenges of Disadvantage in Europe. (65−86). Palgrave Macmillan Cham. (Palgrave Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-14109-6_3.
- Saar, E.; Roosalu, T.; Roosmaa, E.-L.(2023). Lifelong Learning for Economy or for Society: Policy Issues in Post-Socialist Countries in Europe. In: Karen Evans; Wing On Lee; Jörg Markowitsch; Miriam Zukas (Ed.). Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. (523−548). Springer
- Roosmaa, E.-L. (2022). Adult education and training: a comparative perspective of participation patterns across Europe. Doktoritöö. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Saar, E., Roosalu, T., Roosmaa, E.-L. (2022). Lifelong learning for economy or for society: Policy issues in post-socialist countries in Europe. In K. Evans, W.O. Lee, J. Markowitsch, & M. Zukas (Eds.), Third international handbook of lifelong learning. Springer Nature.
- Põlda, H., Roosalu, T., Karu, K., Teder, L., & Lepik, M. (2021). Üldpädevuste kujundamine ja osaliste agentsus mitteformaalõppes. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education, 1(9), 60−87.
- Karu, K., Jõgi, L., Rannala, I., Roosalu, T., Teder, L., & Põlda, H. (2019). Mitteformaalõppe tähenduse konstrueerimine poliitikadokumentides. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education, 7(1), 50−75.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., Martma, L., & Saar, E. (2019). Vocational upper-secondary education and participation in non-formal education: a comparison of European countries. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(3), 268-286.
- Saar, E., Roosalu, T., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Martma, L., & Kazjulja, M. (2019). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 7: VET from a lifelong learning perspective: continuing VET concepts, providers and participants in Europe 1995-2015. Publications Office. Cedefop research paper; No 74.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kazjulja, M., & Vallimäe, T. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 2. osa uuringust: Elanikkonna senine kogemus eesti keele omandamisel ja vajadus eesti keele õppe järele. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Saar, E., Martma, L., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Kazjulja, M., & Roosalu, T. (2018). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 5: education and labour market outcomes for graduates from different types of VET system in Europe. Publications Office. CEDEFOP/DIPF. Cedefop research paper; No 69.
- Vallimäe, T., Roosalu, T., Kallaste, E., & Joorik, A. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 3. osa uuringust: keeleõppe pakkujate analüüs. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., & Saar, E. (2017). Adults who do not want to participate in learning: a cross-national European analysis of their perceived barriers. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 36(3), 254−277.
- Saar, E., & Räis, M.-L. (2017). Participation in job-related training in European countries: the impact of skill supply and demand characteristics. Journal of Education and Work, 30(5), 531−551.
Sugu ja soolisus erinevates eluvaldkondades
- Aavik, K. (2023) Men and Masculinities in Animal Advocacy Organizations and Organizing: From Men’s Domination and Masculinized Strategies towards an Ethics of Care and Intersectional Activism. In: Hearn, Jeff; Aavik, Kadri; Collinson, David; Thym, Anika (Ed.). Routledge Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations: Theories, Practices and Futures of Organizing. (402−416). London: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003193579- 33.
- Aavik, K. Towards a (Pro)Feminist Anymal Justice Movement: Reflections from Estonia. In: Kemmerer, Lisa (Ed.). Oppressive Liberation. Sexism in Animal Activism. (311−317). Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-15363-1_16.
- Aavik, K. Contesting Anthropocentric Masculinities Through Veganism: Lived Experiences of Vegan Men. Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-19507-5.
- Aavik, K., Ubakivi-Hadachi, P., Raudsepp, M., Roosalu, T. (2023). The gender pay gap—what’s the problem represented to be? Analysing the discourses of Estonian employers, employees and state officials on pay equality. Gender, Work and Organization. DOI: 10.1111/gwao.13061.
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- Armengol, J. M., Ayalon, L., Maierhofer, R., & Unt, M. (2022). Introduction. Journal of Aging Studies, 63, 101029.
- Hämmal, J., Reinson, H., Karolin, A., Kruuse, K., Roosalu, T., & Rüütsalu, K. (2022). Nügimismeetodite kasutamine soostereotüübivabade karjäärivalikute ja töötingimuste toetamiseks. Lõpparuanne. Kantar Emor, Sotsiaalministeerium.
- Saar, M., & Aavik, K. (2022). Negotiating neoliberalism in the private sphere: narratives of Estonian single mothers. Journal of Baltic Studies, 53 (1), 1−18.
- Teinemaa, T., & Unt, M. (2022). Contradictions of hegemonic masculinity and the (hopeful) potential of old age and caring masculinity in Estonian society and in films A Friend of Mine (2011) and Tangerines (2013). Journal of Aging Studies, 63, 101034.
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- Aavik, K. (2021). Sugu, sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus ja keskkond intersektsionaalse pilgu läbi. In R. Marling, K. Sander, M. Raju & M. Pajumets (Toim.). Teel tasakaalustatud ühiskonda. Naised ja mehed Eestis III (pp. 131−136). Eesti Vabariigi Sotsiaalministeerium.
- Aavik, K. (2021). Vegan men: Towards greater care for (non)human others, Earth and self. In P. Pulé & Hultman, M. (Eds.). Men, masculinities, and earth: Contending with the (m)anthropocene (pp. 329−350). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Aavik, K. & Velgan, M. (2021). Vegan men’s food and health practices: A recipe for a more health-conscious masculinity? American Journal of Men's Health, 15(5), 1−14.
- Saar, M., & Aavik, K. (2021). Negotiating neoliberalism in the private sphere: narratives of Estonian single mothers. Journal of Baltic Studies, 1−18.
- Unt, M., Rokicka, M., Täht, K., & Roosalu, T. (2021). "Glass ceiling” and “sticky floor” in Estonia’s public and private sectors. In T. Karabchuk, K. Kumo, K. Gatskova & E. Skoglund (Eds.). Gendering post-soviet space: Demography, labor market and values in empirical research (pp. 192−209). Springer.
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- Aavik, K. (2020). Negotiating uncertainty: Sexual citizenship and state recognition of same-sex partnerships in Estonia. In R. Buyantueva, & M. Shevtsova (Eds.), LGBTQ+ activism in Central and Eastern Europe: Resistance, representation and identity (pp. 127−151). Palgrave Macmillan.
Aavik, K., Ubakivi-Hadachi, P., Raudsepp, M., & Roosalu, T. (2020). Soolise palgalõhe vähendamine: mitmetasandiline kvalitatiivuuring. RASI toimetised, nr 11. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Lauri, T., Põder, K., & Ciccia, R.(2020). Pathways to gender equality: A configurational analysis of childcare instruments and outcomes in 21 European Countries. Social Policy & Administration, 1−20.
- Aavik, K., & Ümarik, M. (2019). The “exceptional male teacher” and the “vulnerable male student”: constructions of men and masculinities in vocational education and training in Estonia. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 1−21.
- Raudsepp, M., Roosalu, T., Kruusvall, J., Aavik, K., & Taru, M. (2019). Project BREAK! Evaluating outcomes and assessing impact. Empirical insight. RASI toimetised, 8.
- Riegraf, B., Abirafeh, L., & Aavik, K. (2019). Relating gender and inequality: An introduction. Global Dialogue, 9(2), 23−24.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kruusvall, J., Aavik, K., & Taru, M. (2019). Project BREAK! Designing intervention: mapping state of art, collecting good practices and developing indicators. RASI toimetised, 6.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kruusvall, J., Aavik, K., & Taru, M. (2019). Project BREAK! Recommendations for media intervention and educational materials for all target groups in a variety of contexts. RASI toimetised, 7.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kruusvall, J., Aavik, K., & Taru, M. (2019). Project BREAK! Guidelines for planning the media intervention: lessons from the project. RASI toimetised, 9.
- Täht, K. (Ed.) (2019). Soolise palgalõhe kirjeldamine ja seletamine – tehniline ülevaade. RASI toimetised nr 10.
- Ümarik, M., & Aavik, K. (2019). Gender segregation in Estonian vocational education and training through the eyes of stakeholders. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education, 1−18.
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Rahvussuhted ja integratsioon
- Abdulai, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). International student mobility and transformative intercultural learning in Estonia and Denmark. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 22(1), 16−29.
- Polese, A., Fradejas-García, I., Šimić Banović, R., Škokić, V., Kerikmäe, T., Luis Molina, J., Alpeza, M., Lubbers, M. J., & Camerani, A. (2022). Labour Mobility and Informality: Romanian Migrants in Spain and Ethnic Entrepreneurs in Croatia. Politics and Governance, 10(2), 279−292.
- Saarts, T., & Saar, E. (2022). When the ethnic cleavage overshadows the class cleavage in a post-communist country and why we should care? European Politics and Society, 23(2), 223-242.
- Abdulai, M., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Contemporary mobility decisions of African international graduates in Estonia: Motives and integration perspectives. Human Arenas, 4, 440–457.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). International students mobility and value added through internationalization of higher education in Estonia and Denmark. Language and Intercultural Communication.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). Cultural barriers and enablers of integrating educational migrants from the Global South: The case of graduate students in Europe. International Journal of Educational Development, 86.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2021). Classroom, media and church: Explaining the achievement differences in civic knowledge in bilingual school system of Estonia. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 9(3).
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- Toots, A. & Lauri, T. (2020). Nation (re)building and social investment: an uneasy marriage in Baltic States. In J. L. Garritzmann, S. Häusermann, & B. Palier (Ed.), The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II) The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [ilmumas].
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- Polese, A., & Seliverstova, O. (2019). Luxury consumption as identity markers in Tallinn: A study of Russian and Estonian everyday identity construction through consumer citizenship. Journal of Consumer Culture.
- Raudsepp, M., & Zadora, A. (2019). The sensitive scars of the Second World War in teaching European history. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 27(1), 87−110.
- Saarts, T., Saar, E., & Suurna, K. (2019). Rahvuslõhe varjutamas klassilõhet. Sotsiaalsed lõhed ning valimiskäitumine Eestis 2003-2011. In M. Mölder (Ed.), Riigikogu valimised 2019. Politica. Vol. 19: Väärtuste tulek Eesti poliitikasse (pp. 78−94). Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
- Aavik, K., & Ubakivi-Hadachi, P. (2018). Responding to ethnicity-based stigmatisation: the case of Russian-speaking women in Estonia. Trames : Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(1), 25−44.
- Lilleoja, L., & Raudsepp, M. (2018). Changes in value structure among Estonian majority and Russian-speaking minority in post-socialist Estonia. In N. Lebedeva, R. Dimitrova, & J. Berry (Eds.), Changing values and identities in the post-communist world. Societies and political orders in transition (pp. 67−83). Springer.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kazjulja, M., & Vallimäe, T. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 2. osa uuringust: Elanikkonna senine kogemus eesti keele omandamisel ja vajadus eesti keele õppe järele. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Vallimäe, T., Roosalu, T., Kallaste, E., & Joorik, A. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 3. osa uuringust: keeleõppe pakkujate analüüs. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
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Sotsiaalne kihistumine ja integratsioon
- Helemäe, J., & Saar, E. (2023). Multiplicative or compensatory advantage? Multigenerational contribution to grandchildren’s educational success in the Soviet and the post-Soviet RASI 2023. AASTA ARUANNE 18 contexts. European Societies, 25(2), 208-241.
- Pařízková A.,, Balaam M-C., Cooper, M., Roosalu, T., Clausen J. A., Kasper, A. (2023). Inclusiveness of access policies to maternity care for migrant women across Europe: a policy review. Maternal and Child Health Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s10995- 023-03785-3.
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- Lauri, T, & Saar, E. (2022). Cumulative advantages and disadvantages in attainment of higher education: set-analytic comparison of asymmetric inequalities in six European countries. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63(1-2), 51−88.
- Polese, A. (Ed.) (2022).Informality, labour mobility and precariousness supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable. Palgrave.
- Saarts, T., & Saar, E. (2022). When the ethnic cleavage overshadows the class cleavage in a post-communist country and why we should care? European Politics and Society, 23(2), 223-242.
- Aavik, K. (2021). Sugu, sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus ja keskkond intersektsionaalse pilgu läbi. In R. Marling, K. Sander, M. Raju & M. Pajumets (Eds.). Teel tasakaalustatud ühiskonda. Naised ja mehed Eestis III (pp. 131−136). Eesti Vabariigi Sotsiaalministeerium.
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- Saar, E., & Helemäe, J. (2021). Inequality across three generations under pressure from sovietization policies forcing discontinuity between two generations to strengthen the impact of grandparents. Comparative Sociology, 20(2), 255−282.
- Saarts, T., & Saar, E. (2021). When the ethnic cleavage overshadows the class cleavage in a post-communist country and why we should care? European Politics and Society.
- Saar, E., Helemäe, J., & Lauri T. (2020). How educational, economic and cultural resources do matter: cohort differences in the impact of parental resources on educational attainment in the socialist and post-socialist context. International Journal of Sociology, 51(2), 105-134.
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- Saar, E., & Helemäe, J. (2017). The role of economic and cultural resources in the intergenerational transmission of education in Estonia. In J. Erola, & E. Kilpi-Jakonen (Eds.), Social inequality across the generations: The role of compensation and multiplication in resource accumulation (pp. 27−47). Edward Elgar Publishing.
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- Saar, E., Helemäe, J., & Lindemann, K. (2017). Self-placement of the unemployed in the social hierarchy. Evidence from European countries. In J. Edlund, I. Bechert, & M. Quandt (Eds.), Social inequality in the eyes of the public: A collection of analyses based on ISSP data 1987-2009 (pp. 119−136). GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
Riigivalitsemine, kodanikeühiskond ja uued sotsiaalsed liikumised
- Kall, K., (2023). From a handful of activists towards an organising subculture: institutionalisation of transnational union organising in Central and Eastern Europe. Transfer European Review of Labour and Research, 1. DOI: 10.1177/10242589231219749.
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- Polese, A. (2023). “The Ukrainization of Odes(s)a? On the Languages of Odesa and Their Use.” In Cosmopolitan Spaces in Odesa: A Case Study of an Urban Context. Ed. Mirja Lecke and Efraim Sicher. Boston: Academic Studies Press. 252-72.
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- Amofah, S., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Small axes felling big trees: Footprints of emerging global NGOs in Ghana. The International Journal of Community Diversity, 21(2), 21−38.
- Fradejas-García, I., Polese, A., & Bhimji, F (2021). Transnational (im)mobilities and informality in Europe. Migration Letters, 18(2), 121−133.
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- Polese, A. (2021). What is informality? (mapping) “the art of bypassing the state” in Eurasian spaces - and beyond. Eurasian Geography and Economics.
- Saarts, T., & Saar, E. (2021). When the ethnic cleavage overshadows the class cleavage in a post-communist country and why we should care? European Politics and Society.
- Aavik, K. (2020). Negotiating uncertainty: Sexual citizenship and state recognition of same-sex partnerships in Estonia. In R. Buyantueva, & M. Shevtsova (Eds.), LGBTQ+ activism in Central and Eastern Europe: Resistance, representation and identity (pp. 127−151). Palgrave Macmillan.
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- Toots, A., & Lauri, T. (2017). Varieties of social investment policies on two sides of the Baltic Sea: Explaining routes to endurance. Social Policy & Administration, 51(4), 550−576.
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- Amofah, S., Agyare, L., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Social entrepreneurship for sustainable livelihood empowerment: Study of an Estonian NGO’s operations in Ghana. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies, 17(1), 1−18.
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Vananemine ja pensionisüsteemid
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